Cassie grew up in South Gippsland and studied Nutrition and Dietetics before her medical training with Monash University. She has been a Medical Educator supporting GP trainees and medical students since 2016 and works part-time to balance clinical, educational and family roles.

She has a passion for working with women throughout pregnancy and the postnatal period, and offers shared antenatal care with the Obstetricians at the West Gippsland Hospital. She also provides the spectrum of women’s health care from contraception (including Implanon and IUD procedures) to menopause management.

Since becoming a mum of two - delivering and raising her children in Warragul - Cassie has cultivated an interest in supporting the challenges of early parenting. As well as routine postnatal care, she offers 60 minute combined ‘Mum and Bub’ consultations for breastfeeding and weight gain concerns, unsettled infants, sleep and mood concerns, based on the principles of Neuroprotective Developmental Care or the Possums Program (www.possumssleepprogram.com). Holistic sleep support is offered flexibly in line with parental values, respecting biological norms. She recently started a role educating other health professionals in this NDC approach.

She also promotes longer, comprehensive health assessments and metabolic consultations focused on sustainable behaviour change to help everyone become the healthiest person they can be, using evidence based weight management techniques as well as non-diet weight neutral Health at Every Size principles if preferred.

She remains committed to lifelong learning, completing additional qualifications in Child Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, a Masters of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and dual Fellowships through the Royal Australasian College of General Practitioners. She has also undertaken additional training in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Infant Mental Health and Lifestyle Medicine. She has networked and up-skilled with inspirational colleagues within the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, Australian Society of Psychological Medicine and Australasian Menopause Society. She endeavours to provide trauma-informed care to all.

Cassie endeavours to maintain General Practice knowledge but finds it impossible to maintain up to date with the wide range of medicine as it is rapidly changing. You may prefer to see another GP for general GP concerns, or Cassie can recommend other doctors with a special interest in other areas of medicine where needed.